Three Common Categories of Scrap Metal

Downplaying the environmental impact of sending scrap metal to landfills is a mistake manufacturers should avoid at all costs. The immediate effect is an increase in the cost of doing business since manufacturers must rely on newly mined metals. Unfortunately, it increases the number of mining sites and slows down land reclamation efforts. Recycling scrap metal is vital to mitigating the effects of environmental degradation, which is where scrappers prove indispensable. [Read More]

5 Reasons Why You Need Professional Onsite Document Shredding Services

In the modern age, business data is always at risk of being compromised. This has necessitated businesses to take measures to protect their data. One of the common ways to protect data is by destroying it. Document destruction prevents your data from getting into the wrong hands.  You can choose to destroy the data yourself, or you can entrust professional shredders. This article looks are five reasons why you should hire professional onsite document shredding services: [Read More]

Common Techniques for Extracting Non-Ferrous Metals for Recycling

Recycling non-ferrous metals plays a significant role in reducing carbon footprint in the environment. It is cheaper to recycle non-ferrous metals, such as aluminium, silver, copper and nickel, since they can undergo unlimited recycling cycles and retain their intrinsic properties. That said, non-ferrous metals do not always come in their purest form when delivered to a recycling plant. Most metals are mixed with all manner of liquids and solid waste, making recycling efforts problematic. [Read More]

Scrap Metal Recycling: Most Common Uses

Industrial metals are everywhere: from the appliances in your home to the vehicle you take to work, metals such as aluminium, copper, steel, brass and iron are essential components of your daily routines. For the mining industry, this often meant a massive global demand that pushed the need for metal sourcing. However, recent improvements in the recycling industry have made the modern world less reliant on the mining of natural resources; instead, scrap metal recycling allows for the reuse of most industrial metals in the manufacture of various products. [Read More]